As an effort to reforest the Jatiluhur embankment and aim to make the village a fruit trees center managed by the local village, SUN, Sampoerna, and also the Citarum Harum Task Force Sector 14 carried out fruit tree planting activities.
400 fruit tree seedlings planted at Subsector 5 in Cibinong Village, at Subsector 4 location in Galumpit Village, Tegalwaru District 300 tree seedlings, at Subsector 4 location in Sukamukti Village, Maniis District 100 tree seedlings, at Subsector 2 location in Kertamanah Village, Sukasari District 100 tree seedlings and in Subsector 1 Cinangka Jatiluhur Village Jatiluhur District 50 tree seedlings.
The implementation of tree planting on the Jatiluhur embankment is located in Cibinong Village, Kec. Jatiluhur, Purwakarta Regency. Attended by approximately 50 participants consisting of the Citarum Harum Sector 14 Task Force, Cibinong Village Management, and the surrounding community. This activity was also attended by the Cibinong Village Head, Sector 14 Commander, PKK, NGOs, and Cibinong Village Youth Organizations
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