Jakarta (10/10), Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) is one of the strategies that can be taken to produce independence in the health sector both in the community and in the family. Instilling clean living behavior in everyone is not an easy thing, for this reason it is necessary to habituate from an early age to behave in a clean life.
In an effort to promote healthy living and a form of social responsibility, PT PDSI launched the Healthy Living Movement program in 3 cities, namely Jakarta, Prabumulih and Indramayu. The program, which was held in 3 schools in 3 cities, had the main agenda of educating and providing hygiene and health facilities in schools.
In the Jakarta area, the program was held at SD 3 Muhammadiyah Matraman. The launching of the program was carried out on September 20, 2018 and was attended by Mr. Budi Kristianto as Public Relations Assistant Manager of PDSI and 9 employee volunteers from PT PDSI Jakarta. Employee volunteers are employees of PT PDSI who voluntarily take part in the Healthy Living Movement program.
In addition to launching the program, counseling on clean and healthy living behavior was also given to students in grades 3 to 6. The activity was then continued in small classes with PDSI employee volunteers as speakers. The material presented was varied, ranging from oil, to PDSI’s, to children’s stories. The students who took part in this activity were very enthusiastic, coupled with the provision of prizes for students who could answer questions from volunteers.
Through outreach activities, this program is expected to be able to increase students’ awareness to behave in a clean and healthy life. With clean living behavior that has been embedded from an early age, it will become a habit for students both at school and at home. (mnc)
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