Lokasi : Tegal Datar Manis – Purwakarta & Cipendeuy, Ciharashas, Ciroyom- Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat.
Program : PJB BPWC Lestari Bercahaya Regency – Health and UMKM Program
Program background :
Around the Citarum Reservoir, there are villages that do not yet have access to lighting (electricity) as well as in terms of health and education which are still very lacking, even many surrounding communities are married at an early age due to lack of education.
Another problem is the water hyacinth problem, during the rainy season the growth of water hyacinth is very high resulting in reduced water flow so that the turbine power plant weakens and affects the electricity produced. That’s why Smile for the Country (SUN) is presented to provide a solution. SUN found several programs, one of which was water hyacinth-based biogas processing, as well as several programs related to improving healthy lifestyles as well as educating the public.
Activities in this program include health counseling which is carried out in the form of counseling on a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) and prevention of promiscuity, while the economic improvement program through MSMEs is carried out through fostering catfish enlargement cultivation and creative industry for water hyacinth crafts. In accordance with point 7 and point 8 of the SDGs.
Stages of program implementation :
- Cultivation of catfish enlargement
- Water hyacinth based biogas manager
- Counseling on a clean, healthy lifestyle and prevention of promiscuity.
- Water hyacinth craft creative industry
Water hyacinth waste is reduced so that the performance of the power plant turbine is maximized, from waste that initially the company had to spend extra funds to rent heavy equipment to lift water hyacinth but now water hyacinth is being hunted by residents because it can be used as biogas and various crafts. Then the achievement of a healthy community program and public education which will then increase creativity both in work and in business.
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