
Collaborating with PT MPM, SUN Foundation is asked to Print 400 Young Entrepreneurs

Tangerang-Jakarta, Senyum Untuk Negeri – BPS said that the unemployment rate at the beginning of 2018 reached 133.94 million people. For this reason, PT MPM together with Smile for the Country Foundation were moved to contribute to reducing the unemployment rate in Indonesia, which is increasingly difficult to control. If it is not handled immediately, more and more unemployment will occur, especially for fresh graduates, both at the high school level, to the university level. The handling that PT MPM does is to carry out mental and entrepreneurial switch training for SMK students. This training has the theme “The Future of Success with Entrepreneurs”. As many as 400 SMK students from 8 schools in the Tangerang and DKI Jakarta areas have carried out entrepreneurship training.

Coach Eko Ultrasemangat is raising the spirit of SMK students to become champion mentality

Coach Eko Ultrasemangat is raising the spirit of SMK students to become champion mentality

With the development of the industrial world today until the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0, making vocational students who later plan to work immediately after graduation, will find it difficult to compete for jobs. This is different from those who continue to college because they get more qualified knowledge. For this reason, by opening their own job opportunities (becoming entrepreneurs) it will allow them to be more powerful and able to employ other people, and will not feel sheltered by sometimes authoritarian bosses.

This statement was confirmed by Kuswara, ST. as the Head of the Automotive Engineering Expertise Program at SMKN 2 Tangerang City that “Vocational students are expected to later become successful people and can create jobs”. In his speech, Novari Mursita, as CSR manager of PT MPM also said that “If you want to become an entrepreneur, of course you have to grow your intentions from an early age with seriousness and strong determination”.

Then strengthened by the trainer “Mental Switch” Coach Eko Susanto Ultra Spirit as a trainer and motivator in order to form a strong generation. “You have to believe in yourself, because you will convince others. Remember that complainers never win, and winners never complain.” He said while giving motivational training. There will be no success in becoming an entrepreneur if it is not accompanied by strong intentions and determination.

Because this activity is not only given motivational training but also entrepreneur training, for that Coach Septian is here to provide his experience in building a business to be successful as it is today to students so that they become examples and encourage strong enthusiasm. “Every human being has Entrepreneur DNA, it’s just us who want to or not to activate it.” He said when giving entrepreneurship training in one of the SMK beneficiaries of the PT MPM program.

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