
Sampoerna for Indonesia Holds an English Competition Roadshow for Santri in West Java

Sukabumi (27/2/19), Senyum Untuk Negeri – PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk strengthens its commitment to provide access to education as one of the focuses of the CSR Program under the coordination of Sampoerna For Indonesia (SUI). Through the English Literacy Program for Islamic boarding schools in West Java, students are expected to be able to master English well outside of Arabic which is commonly taught in Islamic boarding schools. The English Competition was held as part of a series of English Proficiency for Students programs to increase the competitiveness and confidence of the students.

Storytelling performance from the students of the Assalam Islamic boarding school, Sukabumi

The first English Competition was held on Wednesday (27/02) at the Al-Masthuriyah Islamic Boarding School Cibolang Kaler, Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency with the theme “Conquer the World with English”. Present at the event were representatives from Sampoerna For Indonesia and a number of stakeholders including the Sukabumi Regency Bappeda, the Education Office, Nahdatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Managers, MUI Sukabumi, Cisaat Camat Representatives, as well as the Head of Sector Police, Cisaat Village Head and Islamic boarding school clerics in the Sukabumi area. . The event began with a greening agenda in the Al-Masthuriyah Islamic boarding school environment. The symbolization of the planting was carried out by all stakeholders present. The excitement of the event continued with a talent show displayed by students of the Al Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School.

The students competed in the English Competition to win the title in two language lectures (English-Indonesian) and storytelling in English (story telling). They are eager to be the best and make their alma mater Islamic boarding school proud. In this activity, an English club was also launched. This club was formed in each of the beneficiary Islamic boarding schools as one of the milestones. This English Club is expected to be a forum for self-actualization of students to improve their English language skills even though the Sampoerna For Indonesia program has ended. The next English language competition roadshow will be held in West Java, including Cianjur and Sukabumi.

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