It has demonstrated excellence in good clean water governance by becoming the first company in Indonesia to be awarded the Alliance of Water Stewardship (AWS) certification.
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk, through Sampoerna Untuk Indonesia (SUI), has contributed to a CSR program that is in line with SDGs point 6, Access to Clean Water & Sanitation, renovation of Temporary Waste Development Sites (TPSS), and garbage carts in Sukaluyu Village, Provision of Facilities Clean Water (SAB) in Puseurjaya Village, as well as planting 400 trees in the Citarum river in collaboration with the Citarum Harum Task Force.
Head of Environment, Health & Safety PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. (Sampoerna), Imron Hamzah said that his party is focused on the Alliance of Water Stewardship (AWS). One of them is related to water and waste, so it is committed to the company and the community. So water quality must be improved as well as waste management.
“We hope, we will contribute again next year and make the best for the surrounding community. By improving TPS B3 and countermeasures, in the future, the management will be even better,” said Imron on Wednesday (19/10/2022).
According to Imron, with the one village waste bank program, the waste can be sorted and managed, which can be recycled. In addition, his party assisted in renovating the Temporary Waste Construction Site (TPSS), garbage carts, and the Procurement of Clean Water Facilities (SAB) for hundreds of families and hundreds of tree plants.
In the same place, the Secretary of Sukaluyu Village, Telukjambe Timur District, Heri Heriana, added that he saw PT HM Sampoerna as different from other companies. Because they routinely assist the surrounding community.
“I hope this is maintained or improved again. Yesterday we also received MKC and hydroponic assistance for the people of Sukaluyu Village, East Telukjambe District,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Environment Agency, Wawan Setiawan, explained that of the 2128 medium-to-high-income companies, they were required to provide reports on environmental management. However, only a dozen companies provide CSR that focuses on the environment, especially waste.
“As I know the program support from Sampoerna is not done carelessly and of course, they are professionals to achieve maximum results,” he explained.
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