

 “Business urgency that each company needs to guide efforts to increase MSMEs to Class Up so that the quality of MSMEs increases will undoubtedly have an impact on people’s purchasing power so that it has an impact on the level of consumption and increased community needs for companies.”


Based on Ministry Regulation 05/MBU/04/2021, it is mandatory for every implementation of the TJSL (Social and Environmental Responsibility) program to have an impact on MSMEs Upgrading. As for the condition, MSMEs in Indonesia generally have problems with Capital, Market-Marketing, Law-Licensing, and Technology (Ministry of Cooperative SMEs RI 2020).

The model for empowering MSMEs Upgrading is by implementing economic improvement of a community in groups/Joint Business Groups (KUBE), which help people start a business to develop joint ventures with similar or various commodities.


Our Experiences : 

Our Activities:


Our Services :

  1. Entrepreneurship & digital marketing training
  2. Business coaching
  3. Technical assistance and guidance
  4. Access to business networks for KUBE members
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