
Social Mapping

“Social Mapping is needed by the Company to identify which corporate social programs are really needed by the community and which social programs are only what the community wants.”


The Company conducts social mapping based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia number 1 of 2021 regarding the PROPER standard social mapping reference. Social mapping is a way to conduct social mapping in the community related to the potential of resources and provide recommendations for social programs that are by the Company’s vision. The Company strives for harmony between operational performance and profit growth with social responsibility, a clean and healthy environment, and community welfare.

On the other hand, the Company is an entity whose existence can not be separated from the surrounding community. Therefore, to maintain a conducive business atmosphere, congruent conditions are needed between the Company’s reality and the community’s and its environment’s expectations. In this case, the pJreparation of social and environmental programs that are well targeted, measurable, and provide a reasonably meaningful impact on the community.


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