
Social Mapping Importance to Designing CSR Program

Social Mapping is needed by the Company to identify which CSR programs are really needed by the community and which social programs are only what the community wants

The company conducts social mapping based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia number 1 of the 2021 decree regarding the PROPER social mapping standards reference. Social mapping is a way to conduct mapping in the community related to the potential of resources as well as to provide recommendations for social programs in accordance with the company’s vision. The Company always strives for harmony between operational performance and profit growth with social responsibility, development of a clean and healthy environment, and community welfare. A company is an entity whose existence cannot be separated from the surrounding community. In order to maintain a conducive business atmosphere, congruent conditions are needed between the existence of the company and the expectations of the community and its environment. In this case, social and environmental programs that are well targeted, measurable, and have an impact is quite important in society.

Social mapping is a visual method that shows the relative location of a community which is carried out to find, obtain, recognize and explore the social conditions of the community. For example settlement conditions, sources of income, road conditions, health, and other public facilities, community economy, and natural resources.

Secondary Data Collection from FGD

Social mapping is defined as a systematic process of describing the community, through planned stages and involving the data collection and information about the condition of the community, including the profile and social problems that exist in the community (Suharto, 2012). Social mapping can be seen as a way to approach community development. One of the outcomes that can be obtained is a map of the area that has been formatted in such a way that it produces an image of the centralization of identity, characteristics, and profiles of the community or social problems.

Social mapping is carried out by combining secondary and primary data studies through field research (field studies). This is done to get the best study results. In field research, the research team used various data research techniques such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and field observations. In-depth interviews were conducted with all respondents who are qualified key informants who are highly dependent on the results of development in the field using the snowballing system method. Meanwhile, FGDs were conducted with community members and key figures in each kelurahan/village. The FGDs were conducted in a structured manner, thus enabling the examination of important and targeted information so that discussion participants could focus on a topic being discussed.

Social mapping is done by combining secondary and primary data studies through field research to get the best study results. The research team used various data collecting techniques such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), and field observations. In-depth interviews were conducted with all respondents who are qualified key informants, the number of informants is very dependent on the results of development in the field using the snowballing system method. Meanwhile, FGDs were conducted with community members and key figures in each regency/village. The FGDs were conducted in a structured manner, to test the important and targeted information.

Secondary data collection through direct interviews

Meanwhile, field observations are aimed to obtain an overview of the physical condition of the research area and other important aspects. In-depth observations are directed to aspects related to certain important issues such as agricultural conditions, residential areas, historical sites, natural environment, access to transportation, habits or activities of residents, and others. The methodology consists of two main things, a methodology for mapping strategic and stakeholder issues and a methodology for social mapping. Especially for the analysis methodology of social mapping coupled with a sustainable livelihood approach ( sustainability livelihood approach ).

Identification of strategic issues and mapping of relevant stakeholders would be better done by using references from two international documents, AA1000 SES (Stakeholder Engagement Standard) and ISO 26000: 2010 on Social Responsibility Guidelines.

Some of the objects that are mapped in social mapping activities include:

  1. The geographical position of the target area,
  2. Facilities and infrastructure,
  3. Region demographics,
  4. Distribution – concentration of the poor,
  5. Community group activities,
  6. Social relations; relationships between groups,
  7. Profession and occupation-livelihood,
  8. Property ownership status (rich, middle, poor),
  9. Perceptions of programs implemented by government-non-government,
  10. Social involvement in the program, and
  11. Social, economic, and cultural problem solving and decision making.

As stipulated in the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 3 of 2014, the scope of the study of social mapping includes the following nine things:

  1. Mapping of actors (stakeholders) and network of relationships between actors consisting of individuals, groups, and organizations
  2. Description of the social position and social role of actors in people’s lives
  3. Analysis of the degree of power and interests of actors
  4. Identification of forums that are used by the community to discuss public/public interests.
  5. Description of sustainable livelihood potential
  6. Analysis of community needs to support sustainable livelihoods
  7. Description of the types of vulnerabilities groups
  8. Description of social problems
  9. Community Development Program Recommendations

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