Corporate Social Responsibility is a business practice where companies consider the social and environmental impacts of their business operations and actively participate in initiatives that improve the welfare of the community, environment, and economy. This is what has been done by the Indonesian automotive company, TMMIN.
The CSR program was implemented according to SDGs point 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and point 17, Partnership for the Goals, and according to ISO 26000. The CSR program that was carried out was the Income Generating Activity (IGA) program, which aims to improve the community’s economy through small businesses such as laundry and drinking water depots in Teluk Jambe District, Karawang Regency.
The CSR program is designed to support the company’s business activities in terms of providing laundry and drinking water services for its employees. This can be called a Creating Shared Value (CSV) program, a social program aligned with the company’s business case. The company also seeks to improve these small businesses’ management quality regarding legality, financial management, product quality, and marketing.
“The TMMIN team is appreciated for helping the Puseurjaya Village community improve their economy. We hope that this program will have a broad impact on the community,” said Dadih, the head of Puseurjaya Village.
The program began with the handover of aid and training for laundry businesses. The laundry business training covered everything from setting up administrative procedures to customer handling, aimed at increasing the capacity of the Laundry group in Puseurjaya Village, Telukjambe Timur District. The training was directly guided by the management of the Karawang Laundry Community on May 4th, 2023.
On another occasion, the handover of the Depot Air program took place in Sirnabaya Village. The head of Sirnabaya Village, Khoiron, and the BUMDES management attended the handover process. This activity will be followed by assistance in creating NIB for the business group and accompanying promotional strategies for the depot water business.
In this regard, TMMIN is enthusiastic about supporting the development of the laundry program and appreciates the Puseurjaya Laundry group. The Puseurjaya Laundry group and the Sirnabaya depot water group expressed their gratitude to PT. TMMIN for providing assistance and organizing training activities for them.
“Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the smallest units in the community’s economy, but they greatly impact the economic progress of the region. The role of SMEs can build the potential of the community’s economy, especially in Karawang Regency,” said Sasriadi, Section Head of Community Development at PT. TMMIN.”
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