
JASINDO’S CSV Program to Reduce Dead Livestock Insurance Claim

In order to prosper the standard of living of dairy farmers, SUN and PT. JASINDO created a capacity-building program in the form of training on milk processing for dairy farmers in Sumberejo Village, Ngablak District, Magelang Regency, Central Java. In addition to boosting the economy and standard of living of dairy farmers, this program is also linked to the common development goal (SDGs) no. 1 (No Poverty) and the core subject of ISO 26000 (community involvement and development). Not only in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this program also contains the value of Creating Shared Value (CSV).

So now the question is, what is CSV itself?

Simply, CSV is a CSR program that not only focuses on community issues but can also solve company problems. In fact, it is not impossible that the CSV program can provide benefits for the company. Thus, this CSR program will not be considered a  cost for the company, but an investment that has a real impact and can be measured using the SROI (  Social Return on Investment) method.

So, where is the CSV for this program?

With this program, JASINDO hopes that the dairy farmers of Sumberejo Village will not be late in paying insurance premium and be able to reduce the death rate of cattle so that later, JASINDO does not need to spend money to pay for insurance coverage.

Well, how? Interested in designing a CSV program with us?
Immediately contact us –>


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