As a form of commitment by BUMN companies in carrying out sustainable business practices and compliance with UU no. 19 of 2003 State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and the Minister of BUMN Regulation No. PER-02/MBU/04/2020 states that BUMN is not only to pursue profit but to actively participate in providing guidance and assistance to entrepreneurs.
PKBL is a program for developing Small businesses and Environmental Empowerment by BUMN. However, based on the Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-05/MBU/04/2021 the name of PKBL was changed to TJSL (Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan). BUMN TJSL Program is a company’s commitment to sustainable development by providing economic, social, environmental, legal benefits and governance with more integrated, directed, measurable principles and accountability in their business approach.
The programs carried out by the company to achieve the BUMN Ministerial Regulation number 5 of 2021 are,
- The CSR program must provide benefits to the community’s economic and social development, the environment as well as law and governance,
- Contribute to the creation of integrated, targeted, and measurable added value and shared value (CSV) of the company,
- Fostering micro and medium enterprises to be more independent and have an impact on the company. One of the methods commonly used to measure the impact is the SROI (Social Return on Investment).
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